General Rules
General Rules
- The student must bring his / her diary on all working days of the school.
- The student must come to school on time and in full, clean and prescribed uniforms on all working days and at all school functions.
- The institution will not be responsible for any incidents taking place outside the school premises
- The student is forbidden to write or scribble on the walls or throw paper or ink about the classrooms and school premises. Penalty for the damage to building, furniture, etc., must be paid as decided by the Principal.
- Punctuality and regular attendance will be insisted upon. Latecomers should bring the late attendance record signed by the parent.
- Books, Stationery, Tiffin boxes, etc.., should bear the name of the child and the owner is responsible for keeping them safe.
- Doing daily homework and classwork is the duty of the student and failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action.
- We insist on obedience, politeness and courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person. Objectionable conduct whether in or out of schools is punishable with dismissal
- Boys are not allowed to grow their hair beyond a reasonable level
- Students must always provide themselves with all necessary books, note books and stationery. A student who fails to provide him / her with these necessaries will not be permitted to attend class.
- The students should speak English in the school premises
- Parents or guardians are not allowed to interview their children or to speak to the teacher during the school hours. All enquiries must be made at the school office.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded. The fee card must be produced during the payment.
- The students are accountable to the school authority for their behaviour inside and outside the school.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or defiance of authority or conduct injuries to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student
- In all correspondence with the school authority cash authority care should be taken to mention the name of the student, standard and division in which the student is enrolled.
- Students are not allowed to enter other classrooms without valid reasons. When they move along the corridors to class or while climbing up and coming down the staircase they must maintain silence and keep left.
- Students are not allowed to give presents to the teachers.
- Students need to participate in all the activities of the school actively.
- Parents are requested to read the above regulations carefully and to ensure that their children abide by them